Harvard University - Site License 
     2008 New England LMSC SCY Championships, Sanction #: 039-003-SSCY     
                  March 27-30, 2008 - Harvard University                   
 Event 39  Mixed 18+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:29.36  4/15/2007 CURL-BURKE
                          E BETTS, C GIBSON, S PETERSON, W LISCINSKY
       NELMSC: N 1:35.64  2003      NEM
                          J Gross, B Hugo, M Edith smith, C Steipp
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Andover  'A'                        1:45.00    1:43.13   34  
     1) Sullivan, Eric M21            2) r:+0.36 Mareb, Karen W49     
     3) r:+0.28 Sullivan, Patrcia W46 4) r:+0.07 Sullivan, Kevin M47  
        r:+0.89  24.19        51.40 (27.21)
        1:19.28 (27.88)     1:43.13 (23.85)
  2 Cambridge  'K'                      1:45.10    1:44.43   30  
     1) Bresnahan-McRae, Elizabeth W2 2) r:+0.33 Fellows-Swensosea W24
     3) r:+0.33 Brinkmeyer, Jutin M27 4) r:+0.50 Cronan, Patrick M28  
        r:+0.79  28.48        56.60 (28.12)
        1:20.22 (23.62)     1:44.43 (24.21)
  3 Andover  'B'                        1:56.00    1:46.83   28  
     1) Miller, Elliot M24            2) r:+0.41 Cormier, Jacquine W23
     3) r:+0.33 Battistini, Rick M53  4) r:+0.45 Roy, Michele W44     
        r:+0.84  26.40        54.34 (27.94)
        1:21.06 (26.72)     1:46.83 (25.77)
  4 Swim RI  'G'                        1:55.00    1:47.25   26  
     1) Vonhousen, Elise W34          2) r:+0.67 Anderson, Emily W24  
     3) r:+0.34 Gandy, Ray M46        4) r:+0.34 Schulde, Matt M30    
                 33.10      1:00.14 (27.04)
        1:23.56 (23.42)     1:47.25 (23.69)
  5 Y of North Shore  'A'               2:05.00    2:08.42   24  
     1) Tripler, Christopher M39      2) r:+0.51 Butler, Mari W40     
     3) r:+0.77 Menezes, Maya W24     4) r:+0.41 Berry, Ethan M61     
        r:+0.99  30.92      1:03.59 (32.67)
        1:37.62 (34.03)     2:08.42 (30.80)
 Event 39  Mixed 25+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:29.40  5/21/1990 S. CAL AQUATIC
                          C PONTHIER, D GRANER, K BUSH, P MCCLAFFERTY
       NELMSC: N 1:36.12  2003      NEM
                          M Gilson, J Mooney, S Carey, T Knapp
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Cambridge  'N'                      1:41.00    1:39.80   34  
     1) Battaglia, Lisa W26           2) r:+0.21 Humphries, Jane W26  
     3) r:+0.50 Gainer, Tommy M31     4) r:+0.26 Fletcher, Kenneth M33
        r:+0.70  26.54        52.72 (26.18)
        1:17.62 (24.90)     1:39.80 (22.18)
  2 Middlebury  'A'                     1:44.00    1:41.72   30  
     1) Townsend, Bill M41            2) r:+0.29 Laughna, Kaye-ani W28
     3) r:+0.43 Holmes, Jessica W36   4) r:+0.12 Delaney, Mike M52    
        r:+0.95  24.92        50.27 (25.35)
        1:17.83 (27.56)     1:41.72 (23.89)
  3 UV Rays  'B'                        1:44.00    1:50.60   28  
     1) Stratton, Rachel W28          2) r:+0.46 Sam, Rick M53        
     3) r:+0.16 Katz, Sarah W28       4) r:+0.17 Dolan, John M51      
                 26.40        55.26 (28.86)
        1:23.92 (28.66)     1:50.60 (26.68)
  4 Liquid Assets  'B'                  2:05.00    1:58.16   26  
     1) McNeal, Patrick M30           2) r:+0.56 Acevedo, Kristine W36
     3) r:+0.59 Atkinson, Karen W32   4) Cooney, Steve M37            
        r:+0.81  27.75      1:04.42 (36.67)
        1:32.69 (28.27)     1:58.16 (25.47)
  5 Boston College  'A'                 2:02.88    1:59.18   24  
     1) Thomae, Sarah W25             2) r:+0.39 Desisto, Chris M44   
     3) r:+0.38 Pohlman, Mary W50     4) r:+0.49 Torres, Leonardo M37 
        r:+0.89  30.28        59.08 (28.80)
        1:31.79 (32.71)     1:59.18 (27.39)
  6 Cambridge  'M'                      2:05.10    2:04.94   22  
     1) Vankuilenburg, Scott M43      2) r:+0.60 Gainer, Lindsay W30  
     3) r:+0.67 Kwa, Ken M34          4) r:-0.0 Johnson, Erin W25     
        r:+0.82  28.17      1:02.52 (34.35)
        1:36.28 (33.76)     2:04.94 (28.66)
  7 North Suburban Y  'B'               2:17.00    2:07.20   20  
     1) Seitz, Sue W31                2) r:+0.46 Beaulieu, Alan M44   
     3) r:+0.45 Cassells, Sally W51   4) r:+0.14 Teodorescu, Ravan M44
        r:+0.82  32.02      1:03.37 (31.35)
        1:38.90 (35.53)     2:07.20 (28.30)
  8 Boston YMCA  'A'                    2:16.00    2:08.61   18  
     1) Wagner, Gretchen W32          2) r:-0.0 Pierce, Andrew M46    
     3) r:-0.0 Tabor, Anna W31        4) r:-0.0 Barrus, Steve M43     
        r:+1.09  34.42      1:06.44 (32.02)
        1:41.89 (35.45)     2:08.61 (26.72)
 -- Cambridge  'L'                      1:44.20         DQ  
     1) Dunn, Katharine W33           2) r:+0.29 Handren, Rachel W33  
     3) r:+0.49 Kaminski, David M29   4) r:+0.44 O'Reilly, Devin M33  
        r:+0.98  28.14        55.63 (27.49)
        1:18.54 (22.91)          DQ (25.32)
 Event 39  Mixed 35+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:30.17  4/25/2004 ROCKY MTN
                          K GARNIER, S VON DER LIPPE, J SMITH, P SMITH
       NELMSC: N 1:36.83  1995      NEM
                          B Seltzer, J Feldmann, G Wettach, D Cote
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Swim RI  'D'                        1:44.00    1:39.67   34  
     1) Gilson, Matthew M40           2) r:+0.30 Cromarty, Stuart M43 
     3) r:+0.53 Neuendorf, Donna W39  4) r:+0.42 Kupan, Cheryl W43    
        r:+0.82  23.15        45.72 (22.57)
        1:12.69 (26.97)     1:39.67 (26.98)
  2 Cape Cod Masters  'A'               1:46.50    1:43.35   30  
     1) Campbell, Drew M43            2) r:+0.71 Fontes, Adrienne W35 
     3) r:+0.44 Gilson, Meredith W36  4) r:+0.43 Redington, Chuck M41 
        r:+0.90  24.01        52.27 (28.26)
        1:18.93 (26.66)     1:43.35 (24.42)
  3 Great Bay  'B'                      1:45.99    1:44.05   28  
     1) Robertson, Jim M38            2) r:+0.28 Gendreau, Edmund M45 
     3) r:+0.32 Prescott, Carol W38   4) r:+0.33 Knight, Susan W38    
        r:+0.77  23.53        46.42 (22.89)
        1:15.39 (28.97)     1:44.05 (28.66)
  4 Swim RI  'K'                        1:51.00    1:53.12   26  
     1) Madden, Michele W40           2) r:+0.47 Pelletier, Denis M43 
     3) r:+0.61 Wilkes, Kristin W36   4) r:+0.52 Sicard, David M44    
        r:+0.82  28.13        56.24 (28.11)
        1:25.17 (28.93)     1:53.12 (27.95)
  5 Mansion House  'A'                  2:16.00    2:01.78   24  
     1) Goethals, Alex M35            2) r:+0.70 Cutler, Les M65      
     3) r:+0.44 Goodale, Rainy W38    4) r:+0.70 Craven, Leslie W48   
        r:+0.80  25.57      1:00.25 (34.68)
        1:29.83 (29.58)     2:01.78 (31.95)
  6 Cambridge  'O'                      2:05.01    2:06.83   22  
     1) Hopkins, Cyrus M69            2) r:-0.0 Hetnarski, Adam M43   
     3) r:-0.0 Gulla, Tara W35        4) r:-0.0 Natkin, Lisa W36      
        r:+1.04  32.33      1:00.86 (28.53)
        1:33.51 (32.65)     2:06.83 (33.32)
  7 Minuteman  'E'                      4:15.99    2:36.48   20  
     1) Guerra, Jennifer W36          2) r:-0.0 Cohen, Tova W54       
     3) r:-0.0 Skrobis, Kenneth M44   4) r:-0.0 Mitchell, Jack M68    
        r:+1.38  39.66      1:25.27 (45.61)
        1:56.06 (30.79)     2:36.48 (40.42)
  8 Andover  'E'                        3:30.00    3:09.88   18  
     1) Christopher, James M81        2) Netishen, Maribeth W42       
     3) r:+0.73 Pelletier, Esther W82 4) r:-0.0 Mahoney, J Barry M63  
        r:+1.22  56.82      1:40.50 (43.68)
        2:25.25 (44.75)     3:09.88 (44.63)
 Event 39  Mixed 45+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:36.76  5/20/2007 COLORADO
                          K CROUCH, K GARNIER, R ABRAHAMS, M JOHNSTON
       NELMSC: N 1:38.32  1998      NEM
                          L Shulman, J Feldman, D Rogacki, J Hirsty
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 North Suburban Y  'A'               1:53.00    1:49.04   34  
     1) Wettach, Robert M51           2) r:+0.18 Judelson, David M52  
     3) r:+0.42 Scott, Elizabeth W45  4) r:+0.58 Wettach, Gayle W51   
                 28.77        54.63 (25.86)
        1:21.79 (27.16)     1:49.04 (27.25)
  2 Cape Cod Masters  'B'               2:00.00    2:01.77   30  
     1) Canning, Robert M49           2) r:+0.51 Crossman, Nancy W57  
     3) r:+0.09 Gaynor, Patty W47     4) r:+0.43 Hubbard, Steven M50  
        r:+0.86  25.57      1:07.34 (41.77)
        1:35.81 (28.47)     2:01.77 (25.96)
  3 Red Tide of NYC  'A'                1:57.00    2:02.60   28  
     1) McSpiritt, James M47          2) r:+0.57 Meehan, Margarary W50
     3) r:+0.19 Colby, Laura W50      4) r:+0.48 Silver, Jonathan M54 
        r:+1.37  27.52        58.49 (30.97)
        1:33.36 (34.87)     2:02.60 (29.24)
  4 Minuteman  'F'                      2:09.01    2:08.09   26  
     1) Valleley, John M45            2) r:+0.39 Hogan, David M51     
     3) r:+0.33 Hall, Valerie W45     4) r:-0.0 Schwarz, Marlene W48  
        r:+1.10  34.25      1:02.27 (28.02)
        1:36.38 (34.11)     2:08.09 (31.71)
  5 Cambridge  'P'                      2:15.80    2:08.33   24  
     1) Jirak, Edie W52               2) r:+0.20 Flanagan, Jim M45    
     3) r:+0.29 Beams, Nancy W60      4) r:+0.46 Jones, Jay M61       
        r:+0.93  33.93        59.87 (25.94)
        1:42.07 (42.20)     2:08.33 (26.26)
  6 ABC Masters  'A'                    2:20.00    2:12.09   22  
     1) Geist, Dan M51                2) r:+0.72 Sudduth, Ruth W46    
     3) r:+0.67 Penniman, Maryain W55 4) r:-0.0 Linker, Mark M52      
        r:+1.55  31.33      1:05.28 (33.95)
        1:40.51 (35.23)     2:12.09 (31.58)
  7 Andover  'C'                        2:24.00    2:12.15   20  
     1) Yunker, Carol W61             2) r:+0.35 Hart, John M47       
     3) r:+0.41 Misiorski, Marcia W50 4) r:+0.11 Keil, Mark M54       
                 38.89      1:08.91 (30.02)
        1:43.91 (35.00)     2:12.15 (28.24)
  8 Dutchess County  'A'                2:18.79    2:20.79   18  
     1) Cothren, Jack M58             2) r:+0.65 Williams, Janice W64 
     3) r:+0.27 McGinnis, Peter M64   4) r:+0.16 Cole, Marie W46      
                 27.06      1:10.77 (43.71)
        1:47.41 (36.64)     2:20.79 (33.38)
  9 Andover  'D'                        2:35.00    2:27.54   16  
     1) Coupe, George M67             2) r:+0.57 Sweetser, Marinne W47
     3) r:-0.0 King, Karen W47        4) r:-0.0 Prue, Paul M55        
                 28.47      1:05.63 (37.16)
        1:56.00 (50.37)     2:27.54 (31.54)
 Event 39  Mixed 55+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:46.37  5/20/2007 TAMALPAIS
                          R BURNS, R MEYERHOFF, L SHOENBERGER, L VAL
       NELMSC: N 2:01.55  1995      NEM
                          T Lyndon, L Dunham, D Reed, C O'Brien
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Swim RI  'L'                        1:59.00    1:54.76N  34  
     1) Hirsty, Jacki W55             2) r:+0.45 Morse, Tim M59       
     3) r:+0.72 McQuiggan, Frank M59  4) r:-0.0 Tsonos, Nancy W56     
        r:+0.73  27.45        56.22 (28.77)
        1:24.37 (28.15)     1:54.76 (30.39)
  2 Maine Masters  'A'                  2:09.99    2:11.94   30  
     1) Rupert, Bill M64              2) O'Brien-Mackinnon, Nancy W55 
     3) r:+0.00 Panayotoff, Krsti W59 4) r:-0.0 Darling, Drew M55     
        r:+1.19  29.68      1:02.05 (32.37)
        1:42.15 (40.10)     2:11.94 (29.79)
  3 UV Rays  'A'                        2:35.00    2:28.63   28  
     1) Barton, Cynthia W77           2) r:+0.63 Wilson, Tom M77      
     3) r:+0.36 Hummel, Barbara W56   4) r:+0.51 Toensing, Trent M69  
        r:+1.18  45.93      1:26.25 (40.32)
        1:57.90 (31.65)     2:28.63 (30.73)
                                   Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 39                                   
  1. Red Tide of Nyc                  2119   2. Cambridge Masters Swim Club    1642.5
  3. Swim Rhode Island                1222   4. Andover/N. Andover                905
  5. Maine Masters Swim Club           736   6. Granite State Penguins            709
  7. Boston College                  528.5   8. YMCA of the North Shore           509
  9. Minuteman Masters               464.5  10. Great Bay Masters                 434
 11. North Suburban YMCA               369  12. Dutchess County Masters           344
 13. Abc Masters - Gray Sharks         340  14. Cape Cod Masters                  329
 15. UV Rays                           291  16. Boston University Masters         271
 17. Middlebury Muffintops             244  18. Westchester Masters               239
 19. South Shore YMCA                  196  20. Mit                               176
 21. Adirondack Athletic Club          175  22. Greenwood Masters                 119
 23. NE Masters Unattached             116  24. Connecticut Masters               107
 25. University Club of Boston         105  26. Liquid Assets                      89
 27. Western Waterhorses                81  28. Jcc North Shore                    68
 29. Oak Square YMCA                    65  30. Rinconada Masters                  61
 31. Simmons College                    59  32. Bridgewater State Masters          58
 33. East Lyme                        52.5  34. Mansion House Masters              50
 35. Boroughs YMCA                      48  36. Atlanta Water Jocks                46
 37. Adirondack Masters                 40  38. Fitchburg Area Swim Team           38
 39. Keene Swim Masters                 30  40. Boston YMCA (Central Branch)       14
 40. Nyc Hydras                         14                                           
                                    Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 39                                    
  1. Maine Masters Swim Club          2212   2. Swim Rhode Island                1951
  3. Cambridge Masters Swim Club    1810.5   4. Andover/N. Andover               1381
  5. Abc Masters - Gray Sharks         834   6. Red Tide of Nyc                   728
  7. Minuteman Masters                 556   8. Cape Cod Masters                492.5
  9. Connecticut Masters             465.5  10. Great Bay Masters                 438
 11. Liquid Assets                     394  12. Adirondack Masters              385.5
 13. Technique and Training            369  14. Mit                             366.5
 15. YMCA of the North Shore           351  16. Granite State Penguins            324
 17. NE Masters Unattached             291  18. Boston College                    276
 19. Middlebury Muffintops             260  20. Westchester Masters               213
 21. UV Rays                           190  22. Western Waterhorses               162
 22. Dutchess County Masters           162  24. Greenwood Masters                 159
 25. Adirondack Athletic Club          154  26. North Suburban YMCA               149
 27. Pennypack Aquatic/Fitness Club    119  28. University Club of Boston          93
 29. Missouri Valley                    91  30. Pacific Northwest Aquatics         83
 31. Oak Square YMCA                    64  32. Jcc North Shore                    56
 33. Keene Swim Masters                 46  34. Hockomock YMCA                     44
 35. Northampton Jfk                    40  36. Boston University Masters        38.5
 37. Mansion House Masters              38  38. East Lyme                          29
 38. Babson College                     29  40. Ludlow Community Center            24
 40. Boston YMCA (Central Branch)       24  42. South Shore YMCA                   20
 42. Bernal's Gators Masters            20  44. Austrian Swim Federation           18
 44. Jcc Newton Masters                 18  46. Umass Amherst                      17
 46. Metro Masters Swim Club            17